analysis to analyze the items contained on the CBLIS to determine whether it is a useful measurement that could be used as part of a scale or as individual ...
Jul 13, 2020 · Hi! You gave some advice to anon about making flags and recommended using a CBLIS to make the flags more accessible.
analysis to analyze the items contained on the CBLIS to determine whether it is a useful measurement that could be used as part of a scale or as individual ...
Oct 20, 2015 · When using multiple CoreData contexts (each context can have different dispatch queue), CBLIS could be accessed by different dispatch queue ...
CBLIS to assess civic engagement attitudes and skills across 21 observation periods. This study also conducts a trend analysis across 8 years (21 quarters) ...
The purpose of this study was to utilize the CBLIS to examine the impact of CBL on student reports (n=1,257) of civic engagement at a major R1 branch campus ...
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Jun 26, 2015 · I believe by default CBLIS operates on the main thread. Setting a dispatch queue to the manager given to the CBLIS should allow the CBLIS to ...
Mar 25, 2019 · let's talk about rebinarization i've noticed that people often (subconsciously) end up putting nonbinary identities back into the binary.
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