Show alerts, prompts, and confirmation dialogs in Service Portal widgets. The SPModal class is available in Service Portal client scripts.
spModal provides an alternative way to show alerts, prompts, and confirmation dialogs. Additionally you can use spModal.open() to display a widget in a ...
spModal - Client. Show alerts, prompts, and confirmation dialogs in Service Portal widgets. The SPModal class is available in Service Portal client scripts.
Nov 26, 2022 · spModal | API. Useful for showing alerts, pop ups, confirmation messages, or prompts in the Service Portal. Client-side code can be used in ...
Mar 24, 2022 · spModal seems to have an option called "shared" as per here: https://github.com/service-portal/x-archive/blob/master/documentation/spModal.md ( ...
To begin, let's just create a simple Service Portal widget that we can call up using spModal. We can call our widget Application Details and give it an ID of cs ...
Aug 27, 2019 · I need to remember how I did this. So we had a Widget already, called "Home" for the list of ratings. Then we wanted a spModal to load a new ...