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Is Your Energy Stressed and making you sick? I am committed to helping you R-E-T-U-N-E that Stressed Energy for Success - the natural way.
@RetuningME is 100% committed to offering viewers and subscribers opportunities for RETUNING their STRESSED ENERGY for vibrations of WELLNESS and SUCCESS.
You absolutely can change your feelings of fear and anxiety about speaking and grow your confidence in all areas of communication through Phoenix-Tara
Author of Tap Into Success | Creator of New Advanced Stress Transforming System | Motivational Speaker | Therapist | Life & Wellness Coach.
I specialise in Coaching Women Over 40. I help you find and retune old negative scripts that are preventing you from celebrating your true Wellness and ...
Sep 29, 2023 · Struggling to cope with your life through menopause? Want to try a different way? Join me for this 8 week online programme beginning Tuesday 3rd
Feb 24, 2024 · When the energy system gets the right conditions it can retune and rebalance itself. Natural energy rebalancing and retuning does work but what ...