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2 days ago · KU sali nabigena the best person ever the most knowledge able and the most shine all created Mohamed scw ❤.
When a stranger arrives at a small village he offers to make the villagers stone soup. The villagers don't believe it. A tale with a message about how by ...
Af soomaali wax ka badal. Magac wax ka badal. sameeyay. Last edited 8 years ago by Languages. This page is not available in other languages.
Route 28 dib U egiista lagu sameeyay: Crown Hill illaa magaalada hoose. Seattle oo la sii maraya 8th Ave NW. Intee goor ayuu baskani shaqeyn lahaa?
Route 75 dib U egiista lagu sameeyay: Northgate illaa University District oo la sii maraya Lake City iyo Sand Point. Intee goor ayuu baskani shaqeyn lahaa?
Apr 15, 2024 · Abwaankii sameeyay heesta 'dad badan ka oohisay' ee Iifur Buugga Naxariista oo BBC u sheegay qisada ka dambeysa. Amiin. Xigashada Sawirka ...