Samnium (Italian: Sannio) is a Latin exonym for a region of Southern Italy anciently inhabited by the Samnites. Their own endonyms were Safinim for the country ...
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Samnium is a Latin exonym for a region of Southern Italy anciently inhabited by the Samnites. Their own endonyms were Safinim for the country and Safineis for the people. The language of these endonyms and of the population was the Oscan language.... Wikipedia

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The Samnites (Oscan: Safineis) were an ancient Italic people who lived in Samnium, which is located in modern inland Abruzzo, Molise, and Campania in ...
This portion of Samnium was one of the richest and most fertile, and least mountainous of the whole country. From its proximity to Latium and Campania, the ...
(historical) An ancient region of southern Italy. Related terms edit.
Samnium is a local power in southern Italy, a powerful confederation of Oscan tribes centered in the Apennine uplands that was an early rival of Flag of ...
Sep 22, 2022 · Samnium is the Latin name for a region of south and central Italy inhabited by the Samnites. The geographic limits of this region prior to ...
An Oscan‐speaking district in the central southern Apennines. A warlike people, the Samnites were divided into four tribal states, but were linked in a ...
Samnium is a formable Large League located in the Italia region, representing the unification of the Samnite tribes. It can be formed by any Samnite culture ...
Samnium is a large territory in Southern Italy, stretching from the Matese mountains in the East, across the Trigno river and up to the heights of ...